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USV Bathroom Inspiration


Upper Scioto Valley Schools staff, students, and community members are hoping to inspire students even when they visit the restrooms at school.   A group of volunteers, consisting of Connie Dyer, Lori Dyer, Brianna Cotten, Ann McDowell, Laura Rettig, Michelle Armstrong, Julieann Castle, Rebecca Gamble, Susie Trudgeon, Katherine Moore, Melissa Moore, Allison Moore, Donna Engelhardt, Missy Lee, Aaron Goubeaux, and Melissa Rofe painted encouraging words and quotes on the stall doors in the high school and some of the middle school bathrooms over the summer. 

"We saw pictures on social media of other schools doing this on their restroom stall doors.  We really liked the idea, formed a Facebook group and shared quotes and ideas for the project." said, Rofe, USV teacher. 

Several other USV staff and community members including Connie Dyer, Lori Dyer, Norma Perrone, Brianna Cotten, Ann McDowell, Melissa Moore, Connie Simons, Amy Holbrook, Nathan Inniger, Nancy Hollon, and Melissa Rofe donated art supplies and money for the effort. 

The hope is that words of encouragement can help students support each other and have a positive self-image.

Staff members plan to carry this project into the elementary school section of the building later this fall.